
Hi there,  I am Michelle the recipe creator, photographer, and writer behind The Happy and Wholesome Mommy.

I am a wife, mom/step-mom to 4, and most notably a child of God.

I created this blog in 2021 after I became a Holistic Nutritionist.  I wanted to use my knowledge and passion for healthy cooking to share with other moms.

I have a passion for health and fitness.  I am a group fitness instructor for moms and I am blessed to get to help them feel great.

My Mission

I am a busy mom on a mission to help women live their healthiest life.  On my blog, you’ll find simple, nutritious, and delicious recipes that your family will love.

Learn holistic living tips along with nutrition and wellness ideas that you can start using now.  Let The Happy and Wholesome Mommy help you take actionable steps towards becoming a healthy mom.

I know exactly how it feels to wear so many hats.  From dishwasher to taxi, to coach, I know that it can be difficult to focus on your health.  Join me on all social media platforms and let me inspire you to transform your life, one step at a time


About Me

Thankful is an understatement when it comes to how blessed I feel.  My wonderful husband, Andrew, of 12 years is my biggest supporter and my best recipe taste-tester.

I know God has called me to parent my two beautiful little girls and my two step-children with grace, grit, and passion.  I love being a mom and take any chance I can to get involved in their lives.  

In my free time, you can find me teaching group fitness, attending church, working out, going for family walks, crafting, hosting parties, leading both of my daughter’s Girl Scout Troops, decorating my home, going out on date nights, vacationing, spending time with my extended family, volunteering in PTA, and hanging with my best friends.

My Health Journey

After my father passed away at a young age from heart disease, I became determined to change my health routine and not fall victim to chronic disease.  At the time, I was suffering from weight gain, acne, fatigue, digestive issues, and anxiety.  

Shortly after that, I had my first daughter and was more motivated than ever to change my perspective on health.  I became a vegan after being a vegetarian for 25 years and was motivated to eat a whole, plant-based diet.  I can happily say that all of my health issues have improved and disappeared and I have more energy to keep up with my busy life, I have lost weight, and my anxiety is uncontrol.

My Favorite Recipes

Here are some of my favorite recipes that I make on rotation in my home.  I know that you will love them, too! 

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